
JRC Support

Not a DC Talk user? No problem. You can access the same excellent service, training and support available from JR Consulting.

Join other doctors, lawyers and professionals who have benefitted from our services and maximize your speech recognition software.

We have over a decade of experience helping people make the voice interface to their computer intuitive and accurate.

Networking Services

It is imperative that your computers share the same information in real-time. Every office has an IT person, it can be someone that works with you, a professional that provides a technical service or the guy that works at Radio Shack down the street. No two computer networks are identical so we are now offering JR Consulting Networking Services (JRCNS).

JRCNS can help you with setting up and maintaining a Dragon Medical roaming user configuration, turn off your Windows Vista and Windows 7 User Account Control, repair corrupted Dragon voice profiles, help you with anti-virus software problems and controlling the network permissions

You can purchase JRCNS for hourly or get a great deal pre-purchasing a three-hour support package. Go to our on-line store for more details.

Continuing Education

JR Consulting offers seminars one to four hours in length regarding documentation, using Microsoft Office, and implementing a 'paperless' office.

Contact us for further information and to find out how we can customize a seminar for your groups needs.